

Shows the status of a running Apache Cloudberry system.


gpstate [-d <coordinator_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
[-s | -b | -Q | -e] [-m | -c] [-p] [-i] [-f] [-v | -q] | -x
[-l <log_directory>]

gpstate -? | -h | --help


The gpstate utility displays information about a running Apache Cloudberry instance. There is additional information you may want to know about a Apache Cloudberry system, since it is comprised of multiple PostgreSQL database instances (segments) spanning multiple machines. The gpstate utility provides additional status information for a Apache Cloudberry system, such as:

  • Which segments are down.
  • Coordinator and segment configuration information (hosts, data directories, etc.).
  • The ports used by the system.
  • A mapping of primary segments to their corresponding mirror segments.


-b (brief status)

Optional. Display a brief summary of the state of the Apache Cloudberry system. This is the default option.

-B parallel_processes

The number of segments to check in parallel. You are expected to specify a number following this option, for example, gpstate -B 3.

-c (show primary to mirror mappings)

Optional. Display mapping of primary segments to their corresponding mirror segments.

-d coordinator_data_directory

Optional. The coordinator data directory. You are expected to specify the data directory following this option, for example, gpstate -d /data/master/gpseg-1.

-e (show segments with mirror status issues)

Show details on primary/mirror segment pairs that have potential issues. These issues include:

  • Whether any segments are down.
  • Whether any primary-mirror segment pairs are out of sync – including information on how many bytes are remaining to sync (as displayed in the WAL sync remaining bytes output field).

gpstate -edoes not display segment pairs that are in sync.

  • Whether any primary-mirror segment pairs are not in their preferred roles.

-f (show standby coordinator details) Display details of the standby coordinator host if configured.

-i (show Apache Cloudberry version)

Display the Apache Cloudberry software version information for each instance.

-l logfile_directory

The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.

-m (list mirrors)

Optional. List the mirror segment instances in the system and their current role.

-p (show ports)

List the port numbers used throughout the Apache Cloudberry system.

-q (no screen output)

Optional. Run in quiet mode. Except for warning messages, command output is not displayed on the screen. However, this information is still written to the log file.

-Q (quick status)

Optional. Checks segment status in the system catalog on the coordinator host. Does not poll the segments for status.

-s (detailed status)

Optional. Displays detailed status information about the Apache Cloudberry system.

-v (verbose output)

Optional. Displays error messages and outputs detailed status and progress information.

-x (expand)

Optional. Displays detailed information about the progress and state of a Apache Cloudberry system expansion.

-? | -h | --help (help)

Displays the online help.

Output Field Definitions

The following output fields are reported by gpstate -s for the coordinator:

Output DataDescription
Coordinator hosthost name of the coordinator
Coordinator postgres process IDPID of the coordinator database listener process
Coordinator data directoryfile system location of the coordinator data directory
Coordinator portport of the coordinator postgres database listener process
Coordinator current roledispatch = regular operating mode

utility = maintenance mode
Cloudberry array configuration typeStandard = one NIC per host

Multi-Home = multiple NICs per host
Cloudberry initsystem versionversion of Apache Cloudberry when system was first initialized
Cloudberry current versioncurrent version of Apache Cloudberry
Postgres versionversion of PostgreSQL that Apache Cloudberry is based on
Cloudberry mirroring statusphysical mirroring or none
Coordinator standbyhost name of the standby coordinator
Standby coordinator statestatus of the standby coordinator: active or passive

The following output fields are reported by gpstate -s for each primary segment:

Output DataDescription
Hostnamesystem-configured host name
Addressnetwork address host name (NIC name)
Datadirfile system location of segment data directory
Portport number of segment postgres database listener process
Current Rolecurrent role of a segment: Mirror or Primary
Preferred Rolerole at system initialization time: Mirror or Primary
Mirror Statusstatus of a primary/mirror segment pair:

Synchronized = data is up to date on both

Not in Sync = the mirror segment has not caught up to the primary segment
Current write locationLocation where primary segment is writing new logs as they come in
Bytes remaining to send to mirrorBytes remaining to be sent from primary to mirror
Active PIDactive process ID of a segment
Configuration reports status assegment status as reported in the system catalog: Up or Down
Database statusstatus of Apache Cloudberry to incoming requests: Up, Down, or Suspended. A Suspended state means database activity is temporarily paused while a segment transitions from one state to another.

The following output fields are reported by gpstate -s for each mirror segment:

Output DataDescription
Hostnamesystem-configured host name
Addressnetwork address host name (NIC name)
Datadirfile system location of segment data directory
Portport number of segment postgres database listener process
Current Rolecurrent role of a segment: Mirror or Primary
Preferred Rolerole at system initialization time: Mirror or Primary
Mirror Statusstatus of a primary/mirror segment pair:

Synchronized = data is up to date on both

Not in Sync = the mirror segment has not caught up to the primary segment
WAL Sent LocationLog location up to which the primary segment has sent log data to the mirror
WAL Flush LocationLog location up to which the mirror segment has flushed the log data to disk
WAL Replay LocationLog location up to which the mirror segment has replayed logs locally
Bytes received but remain to flushDifference between flush log location and sent log location
Bytes received but remain to replayDifference between replay log location and sent log location
Active PIDactive process ID of a segment
Configuration reports status assegment status as reported in the system catalog: Up or Down
Database statusstatus of Apache Cloudberry to incoming requests: Up, Down, or Suspended. A Suspended state means database activity is temporarily paused while a segment transitions from one state to another.

When there is no connection between a primary segment and its mirror, gpstate -s displays Unknown in the following fields:

  • Bytes remaining to send to mirror
  • WAL Sent Location
  • WAL Flush Location
  • WAL Replay Location
  • Bytes received but remain to flush
  • Bytes received but remain to replay

The following output fields are reported by gpstate -f for standby coordinator replication status:

Output DataDescription
Standby addresshostname of the standby coordinator
Standby data dirfile system location of the standby coordinator data directory
Standby portport of the standby coordinator postgres database listener process
Standby PIDprocess ID of the standby coordinator
Standby statusstatus of the standby coordinator: Standby host passive
WAL Sender Statewrite-ahead log (WAL) streaming state: streaming, startup,backup, catchup
Sync stateWAL sender synchronization state: sync
Sent LocationWAL sender transaction log (xlog) record sent location
Flush LocationWAL receiver xlog record flush location
Replay Locationstandby xlog record replay location


Show detailed status information of a Apache Cloudberry system:

gpstate -s

Do a quick check for down segments in the coordinator host system catalog:

gpstate -Q

Show information about mirror segment instances:

gpstate -m

Show information about the standby coordinator configuration:

gpstate -f

Display the Apache Cloudberry software version information:

gpstate -i

See also

gpstart, gpexpand, gplogfilter