Support for Apache Cloudberry
Welcome to our support page! Our team is ready to help you make the most of the Apache Cloudberry. Explore the resources and let us assist you in harnessing its full potential.
This page shows that how you can ask for help and get support from our community.
Community Support
DownloadYou can download the Apache Cloudberry releases and see the changelogs.
DocumentationOfficial documentation for Apache Cloudberry. You can explore it to discover more details about us. If you want to contribute, see the guide.
Report bugsProblems and issues in Apache Cloudberry core. If you find bugs, welcome to submit them here.
Report a security vulnerabilityView our security policy to learn how to report and contact us.
Q&AAsk for help when running/developing Apache Cloudberry, visit GitHub Discussions - QA.
New ideas / Feature RequestsShare ideas for new features, visit GitHub Discussions - Ideas.
Code contributionFix bugs, add new features to Apache Cloudberry, visit our guide on "How to Contribute", "Working with Git & GitHub", "Code Contribution Guide", and "Proposal Guide".
Community eventsIncluding meetups, webinars, conferences, and more events, visit the Events page and subscribe events calendar.
Brand GuidelinesGuide on how to download, and use our logos and fonts, visit our Brand Guidelines.
Social channelsFollow our Twitter, Youtube to help spread good words on Apache Cloudberry. Welcome to Slack or WeChat for real-time chat.
Commercial support
Commercial support is available from many companies that provide professional services to the Apache Cloudberry community. We will add more vendors' information here.