Built On Open Source, By Open Source, For Open Source.

The Apache Cloudberry (Incubating) team works on developing the core database kernel, utilities, tools, as well as the documentation website.

Podling PMC

Each Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC) helps its Podling learn how to govern itself. It works like a PMC but reports to the Incubator PMC instead of to the ASF Board. Initially, it is composed of the Podling’s mentors and the initial committers. The PPMC is directly responsible for the oversight of the podling, and it also decides who to add as a PPMC member.

NameEmailGitHub IDOrganization
Andrey Borodinamborodin@acm.orgx4mYandex Cloud
Antonio Petroleantoniopetrole@gmail.comantoniopetroleIndividual
Dianjin Wangwangdianjin@gmail.comtuhaiheHashData
Ed Espinoespino@apache.orgedespinoIndividual
Greg Spiegelberggspiegelberg@gmail.comgspiegelbergIndividual
Hao Wugfphoenix78@gmail.comgfphoenix78HashData
Hope Gaogaoxueyu_hope@163.comgaoxueyuHighGo
Jianghua Yangyjhjstz@gmail.comyjhjstzHashData
Jiaqi Zhoujiaqizho@163.comjiaqizhoHashData
Jinbao Chenchenjinbao1989@gmail.comoppenheimer01HashData
Kirill Reshkereshkekirill@gmail.comreshkeYandex Cloud
Kent Yao (Mentor)yao@apache.orgyaooqinnApache Member, NetEase
Louis Mugnanolmugnano297@gmail.comlmugnano4537Individual
Max Yangmaxyang128@gmail.commy-ship-itHashData
Maxim Smyatkinsmyatkinmaxim@gmail.comSmyatkin-MaximYandex Cloud
Roman Shaposhnik (Mentor)rvs@apache.orgrvsAinekko
Sen Huhusen.xjtu@gmail.comHuSen8891HashData
Shine Zhangxinzweb@hotmail.comxinzwebIndividual
Tushar Pednekartushar.pednekar@gmail.com2shar-pIndividual
Weinan WANGwang.wn827@gmail.comweinan003HashData
Willem Jiang (Mentor)ningjiang@apache.orgWillemJiangApache Member, ByteDance
Xiaoran Wangfanfuxiaoran@gmail.comfanfuxiaoranHashData
Xin (Alwin) Tangxtang.code@gmail.comxtangcodeHashData
Zhang Mingliavamingli@gmail.comavamingliHashData

Our journey began in 2022, and we have built our foundation on PostgreSQL and Greenplum Database. We would not be where we are today without the invaluable contributions of the two project contributors. We extend our heartfelt thanks to them.

Contributors wall

GitHub Committers and PPMC members

Slack Community