

Deletes a Cloudberry Database system that was initialized using gpinitsystem.


gpdeletesystem [-d <coordinator_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
[-f] [-l <logfile_directory>] [-D]

gpdeletesystem -?

gpdeletesystem -v


The gpdeletesystem utility performs the following actions:

  • Stop all postgres processes (the segment instances and coordinator instance).
  • Deletes all data directories.

Before running gpdeletesystem:

  • Move any backup files out of the coordinator and segment data directories.
  • Make sure that Cloudberry Database is running.
  • If you are currently in a segment data directory, change directory to another location. The utility fails with an error when run from within a segment data directory.

This utility will not uninstall the Cloudberry Database software.


-d coordinator_data_directory

Specifies the coordinator host data directory. If this option is not specified, the setting for the environment variable COORDINATOR_DATA_DIRECTORY is used. If this option is specified, it overrides any setting of COORDINATOR_DATA_DIRECTORY. If coordinator_data_directory cannot be determined, the utility returns an error.

-B parallel_processes

The number of segments to delete in parallel. If not specified, the utility will start up to 60 parallel processes depending on how many segment instances it needs to delete.

-f (force)

Force a delete even if backup files are found in the data directories. The default is to not delete Cloudberry Database instances if backup files are present.

-l logfile_directory

The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.

-D (debug)

Sets logging level to debug.

-? (help)

Displays the online help.

-v (show utility version)

Displays the version, status, last updated date, and check sum of this utility.


Delete a Cloudberry Database system:

gpdeletesystem -d /gpdata/gp-1

Delete a Cloudberry Database system even if backup files are present:

gpdeletesystem -d /gpdata/gp-1 -f

See also
