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gpdemo (New in v1.5.0)

Before v1.5.0, if you want to deploy a small Apache Cloudberry cluster with segments on a single node to make a demo, you need to spend time writing configuration files and parameters. Starting from v1.5.0, you can use the built-in gpdemo script to quickly deploy a cluster with a specified number of segments only with a single command.

gpdemo is installed with other system utilities (such as gpinitsystem, gpstart, and gpstop) in the GPHOME/bin directory.


It is not recommended to use gpdemo for production environments, except when deploying a single node cluster.

How to use

You can run gpdemo once the RPM package is installed on the target server and is correctly loaded.

Deploy with default settings

To quickly deploy a cluster without special requirements for the data directory location, initial port number, or segment count, you can run gpdemo without any parameter:


After running this command, the script creates a cluster in the current path. The default configuration of the cluster is as follows:

  • Segment count: 3
  • Data directory: ./datadirs
  • The initial port number of coordinator: 7000

Once a cluster is deployed, the script generates the file in the current directory containing the basic information of the cluster. Before using gpdemo to operate on the cluster, run source to load this information.

You need to run this command for each new shell session. To load the cluster information automatically, you can add this command to ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc.

Deploy with customized settings

If you need to customize the number of segments, data directory location, and the initial port number of the cluster, refer to the following instructions.

Specify segment count

For the default deployment, the number of segments in a cluster is 3.

To specify the number of segments in a cluster, you can add the NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS parameter to the gpdemo command. For example, to specify the number of segments as 3, you can run:

  • Each segment node consists of a primary node and a mirror node. So every time the parameter value increases by 1, 2 more nodes will be created. To better capture data distribution issues, it is recommended to set the value to an odd number.
  • When the parameter value is set to 0, a single-computing-node cluster is deployed. See Deploy Apache Cloudberry with a Single Computing Node for details.

Specify the data directory of a node

Each node's data in a cluster is stored in the ./datadirs subdirectory of the current directory. To set the cluster's data directory location, use one of the following methods:

  • Switch to the target directory using cd and run gpdemo.

  • In the gpdemo command, specify the DATADIRS parameter to set the data directory. For example:

    DATADIRS=/target/directory/ gpdemo

After a cluster is deployed, if you want to manually adjust the location of the data directory (by modifying the pg_hha.confconfiguration file), you might need to know the default directories of the coordinator node and segment nodes.

  • Regular multi-node mode (which means NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS > 0)

    • Coordinator: ./datadirs/qddir
    • Coordinator Standby: ./datadirs/standby
    • Segments
      • Primary: ./datadirs/dbfast<N>, where <N> is the segment number.
      • Mirror: ./datadirs/dbfast_mirror<N>, where <N>is the segment number.
  • Single-node mode (which means NUM_PRIMARY_MIRROR_PAIRS = 0)

    • Coordinator: ./datadirs/singlenodedir
    • Coordinator Standby: ./datadirs/standby

Specify the initial port number of the coordinator node

By default, the port number of the Coordinator node is 7000. Starting from this number, all other nodes in the cluster are assigned consecutive port numbers.

To specify the initial port number of a cluster's coordinator node, you can add the PORT_BASE parameter to the gpdemo command. For example:

PORT_BASE=7000 gpdemo

Specify additional initialization parameter for each node in the cluster

BLDWRAP_POSTGRES_CONF_ADDONS specifies the additional initialization parameter for each node in a cluster. The default value fsync=off is for better concurrency performance.

In a production environment, use export BLDWRAP_POSTGRES_CONF_ADDONS ="fsync=on" to enable fsync. Otherwise, the ACID characteristics of the database will be affected. In the single-node mode, fsync is automatically enabled.

Command-line options

gpdemo provides the following command-line options. You can also check them using gpdemo -H.

-KSkips the data consistency check when deploying a cluster. This option is not recommended.
-cChecks the port occupancy and confirms whether a test cluster can be deployed.

Before running gpdemo -c, you need to run source to load the basic information of a cluster. The sh file is located in the directory where the cluster is created.
-dDeletes the test cluster.

Before running gpdemo -c, you need to run source to load the basic information of a cluster. The sh file is located in the directory where the cluster is created.
-pViews cluster status, version and other information of the coordinator and segment nodes.

Before running gpdemo -c, you need to run source to load the basic information of a cluster. The sh file is located in the directory where the cluster is created.
-H or -Hgpdemo -h outputs a brief help description.gpdemo -H outputs a more detailed help description, including additional configurations such as environment variables.
-vChecks the current gpdemo version.