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Configure Database System

Server configuration parameters affect the behavior of Apache Cloudberry. They are part of the PostgreSQL "Grand Unified Configuration" system, so they are sometimes called "GUCs". Most of the Apache Cloudberry server configuration parameters are the same as the PostgreSQL configuration parameters, but some are specific to Apache Cloudberry.

Coordinator and local parameters

Server configuration files contain parameters that configure server behavior. The Apache Cloudberry configuration file, postgresql.conf, resides in the data directory of the database instance.

The coordinator and each segment instance have their own postgresql.conf file. Some parameters are local: each segment instance examines its postgresql.conf file to get the value of that parameter. Set local parameters on the coordinator and on each segment instance.

Other parameters are coordinator parameters that you set on the coordinator instance. The value is passed down to (or in some cases ignored by) the segment instances at query run time.

Set configuration parameters

Many configuration parameters limit who can change them and where or when they can be set. For example, to change certain parameters, you must be a Apache Cloudberry superuser. Other parameters can be set only at the system level in the postgresql.conf file or require a system restart to take effect.

Many configuration parameters are session parameters. You can set session parameters at the system level, the database level, the role level or the session level. Database users can change most session parameters within their session, but some require superuser permissions.

Set a local configuration parameter

To change a local configuration parameter across multiple segments, update the parameter in the postgresql.conf file of each targeted segment, both primary and mirror. Use the gpconfig utility to set a parameter in all Apache Cloudberry postgresql.conf files. For example:

$ gpconfig -c gp_vmem_protect_limit -v 4096

Restart Apache Cloudberry to make the configuration changes effective:

$ gpstop -r

Set a coordinator configuration parameter

To set a coordinator configuration parameter, set it at the Apache Cloudberry coordinator instance. If it is also a session parameter, you can set the parameter for a particular database, role or session. If a parameter is set at multiple levels, the most granular level takes precedence. For example, session overrides role, role overrides database, and database overrides system.

Set parameters at the system level

Coordinator parameter settings in the coordinator postgresql.conf file are the system-wide default. To set a coordinator parameter:

  1. Edit the $COORDINATOR_DATA_DIRECTORY/postgresql.conf file.

  2. Find the parameter to set, uncomment it (remove the preceding # character), and type the desired value.

  3. Save and close the file.

  4. For session parameters that do not require a server restart, upload the postgresql.conf changes as follows:

    $ gpstop -u

    For parameter changes that require a server restart, restart Apache Cloudberry as follows:

    $ gpstop -r

Set parameters at the database level

Use ALTER DATABASE to set parameters at the database level. For example:

ALTER DATABASE mydatabase SET search_path TO myschema;

When you set a session parameter at the database level, every session that connects to that database uses that parameter setting. Settings at the database level override settings at the system level.

Set parameters at the row level

Use ALTER ROLE to set a parameter at the role level. For example:

ALTER ROLE bob SET search_path TO bobschema;

When you set a session parameter at the role level, every session initiated by that role uses that parameter setting. Settings at the role level override settings at the database level.

Set parameters in a session level

Any session parameter can be set in an active database session using the SET command. For example:

SET statement_mem TO '200MB';

The parameter setting is valid for the rest of that session or until you issue a RESET command. For example:

RESET statement_mem;

Settings at the session level override those at the role level.

View server configuration parameter settings

The SQL command SHOW allows you to see the current server configuration parameter settings. For example, to see the settings for all parameters:

$ psql -c 'SHOW ALL;'

SHOW lists the settings for the coordinator instance only. To see the value of a particular parameter across the entire system (and all segments), use the gpconfig utility. For example:

$ gpconfig --show max_connections