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Query Performance in Apache Cloudberry

Apache Cloudberry dynamically eliminates irrelevant partitions in a table and optimally allocates memory for different operators in a query.These enhancements scan less data for a query, accelerate query processing, and support more concurrency.

  • Dynamic partition elimination

    In Apache Cloudberry, values available only when a query runs are used to dynamically prune partitions, which improves query processing speed. Enable or deactivate dynamic partition elimination by setting the server configuration parameter gp_dynamic_partition_pruning to ON or OFF; it is ON by default.

  • Memory optimizations

    Apache Cloudberry allocates memory optimally for different operators in a query and frees and re-allocates memory during the stages of processing a query.


Apache Cloudberry uses GPORCA by default. GPORCA extends the planning and optimization capabilities of the Postgres optimizer.

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ Create Unique Index on AO Table

Starting from v1.5.0, you can create a unique index on an Append-Optimized (AO) or Append-Optimized Column Store (AOCS) table in Apache Cloudberry. With a unique index, Apache Cloudberry checks the unique constraint when data is inserted into the AO table to ensure the uniqueness of the data. At the same time, the database optimizes specific queries with the optimizer to improve the query performance. However, this also brings some overhead for maintaining a unique index, especially when inserting data.

๐Ÿ“„๏ธ Use RuntimeFilter to Optimize Join Queries

When performing join queries on large tables, the SQL optimizer of Apache Cloudberry often uses the HashJoin operator. HashJoin builds a hash table based on the join key to match the join key, which might cause a memory access bottleneck and disk bottleneck. RuntimeFilter is an optimization technique that generates filters in real-time during HashJoin operations, which can pre-filter data before executing HashJoin to speed up HashJoin operations. In some scenarios, the RuntimeFilter optimization can double execution efficiency.