
Query Performance in Apache Cloudberry

Apache Cloudberry dynamically eliminates irrelevant partitions in a table and optimally allocates memory for different operators in a query.These enhancements scan less data for a query, accelerate query processing, and support more concurrency.

  • Dynamic partition elimination

    In Apache Cloudberry, values available only when a query runs are used to dynamically prune partitions, which improves query processing speed. Enable or deactivate dynamic partition elimination by setting the server configuration parameter gp_dynamic_partition_pruning to ON or OFF; it is ON by default.

  • Memory optimizations

    Apache Cloudberry allocates memory optimally for different operators in a query and frees and re-allocates memory during the stages of processing a query.


Apache Cloudberry uses GPORCA by default. GPORCA extends the planning and optimization capabilities of the Postgres optimizer.

📄️ 使用 RuntimeFilter 优化 Join 查询

在执行大表连接查询的时候,SQL 优化器常选用 HashJoin 算子来进行运算。HashJoin 基于连接键构建哈希表来进行连接键的匹配,这可能存在内存访问和磁盘瓶颈。RuntimeFilter 是在执行 HashJoin 运算时,实时产生过滤器 (Filter) 的优化技术,可以在执行 HashJoin 前预先对数据进行筛选,更快地执行 HashJoin。在某些场景下,通过 RuntimeFilter 优化能够使执行效率翻倍。